Please keep in mind some very important information reagrding Academic Student Employee (ASE) appointments:
2022-2023 Berkeley Academic Calendar(link is external)
Dates of Instruction:
- You are expected to be on campus by the first day of the semester, either Wednesday, August 17, 2022 for Fall Semester and Tuesday, January 10, 2023 for Spring Semester. The first day of instruction for Fall Semester is August 24, 2022 and for Spring Semester is Tuesday, January 17, 2023. The final date of your appointment for Fall semester will be December 16, 2022 or three days after the final exam, whichever is later. Your final date of service in Spring is either May 12, 2023 or three days after the final exam, whichever is later.
Academic Status:
- All ASEs are expected to meet the Appointment Eligibility Requirements(link is external) as defined by Graduate Division. By accepting the position, you are affirming that you meet all requirements as stated on the Appointment Eligibility Requirement webpage.
- The University requires ASEs appointed to graduate student academic titles to meet the following academic requirements: a minimum 3.1 GPA, have no more than two Incomplete grades, and the History department requires a 3.5 GPA in all Graduate History courses. Students whose candidacy has lapsed are not eligible for employment.
- The University requires ASEs to be registered for a minimum of 12 units during the tenure of their appointment by the end of the third week of the semester.
GSI Information:
- All appointments fall under the Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) Appointments(link is external) section of the Graduate Division Handbook.
- GSIs will be assigned shared offices for their office hours. Your office assignment and key will be available from the front office no sooner than the start of the semester. Keys MUST be returned at the end of the semester; fees will be charged for any rekeying or replacement of lost keys.
- GSIs must attend lecture, their sections of responsibility, and any meetings identified by the instructor of the course.
- Instructors will be in contact with their GSIs to arrange section times and any pre-instruction meetings closer to the semester of instruction.
- First time GSIs are required to attend the Teaching Conference for First-Time GSIs(link is external). Any conflicts should be directed to their office via e-mail(link sends e-mail).
- If you have a conflict with your assignment, you must notify the ASE appointments team no later than 24 October 2022 for the Spring Semester.
- A copy of the Graduate Council Policy on Appointments and Mentoring of GSIs(link is external) can be found online at the Teaching and Resource Center(link is external).
- While every effort will be made to prevent changes, it may be necessary to reassign your assignment if: 1) a course is canceled; 2) enrollment does not justify the number of ASEs assigned to the course; or 3) the student's services are needed in another course.
Readership Information:
- All appointments fall under the Reader and Tutor Appointments(link is external) section of the Graduate Division Handbook.
- Readers render diverse services as course assistants, which will normally include the grading of student papers and examinations, attendance at lectures, office hours, consultation with the instructor, and other course-related duties such as proctoring DSP examinations. Readers may not perform teaching duties.
- All readership appointments are tentative until a contract is issued, and the specific assignment is still changeable if: 1) a course is canceled; 2) enrollment does not justify the number of ASEs assigned to the course; or 3) the student's services are needed in another course.
- Readers are required to attend all lectures, read and grade papers and exams for up to 65 students, as well as proctor DSP exams when necessary.
- Readers are paid an hourly rate of $17.03/hour under the current conract.
- The total number of hours is based upon course enrollment. The formula in History is lecture hours (45/semester) + administrative hours (20/semester) + grading hours (3/student). The number of students is based on enrollment on the sixth day of instruction for the semester.
- Office hours are to be held as needed at the discretion of the instructor, so that students can confer with Readers on the student work.
- Final appointments will be confirmed when course enrollments are known, closer to the beginning of the term of the appointment.
- Readers are not assigned to offices and are expected to arrange with the course instructor for use of their office should you need to hold any office hours.
United Automobile Workers (UAW):
- Academic Student Employee (ASE) positions are covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the University and the United Automobile Workers (UAW). Therefore, your name and department address will be released to the UAW, which is your exclusive representative while employed in the ASE appointment. The Agreement is available for you to read here(link is external).
- The terms of the UAW contract requires the University to provide a campus-wide orientation for new ASEs. ASEs are expected to attend one campus orientation session during the term. Orientation dates can be found here(link is external). Attendance at the orientation program is counted as part of the overall workload for all attendees.
- The UAW contract stipulates that you are expected to be on campus by the first day of the semester, Wednesday, August 17, 2022 for Fall Semester and Tuesday, January 10, 2023 for Spring Semester.
Partial Fee Remission:
- An ASE with an appointment totaling 25% or more (the History Department does not make appointments for less than 25%) are eligible for partial tuition and fee remission and full SHIP fee remission. Additionally, History graduate students under departmental fellowship obligation will have their remaining unremitted fees paid by the department. This payment is based upon having completed all hiring paperwork.
- The ASE appointment covers Partial Fee Remission(link is external), but please note this remission does not include Non-residential Supplemental Tuition (NRST), or any Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition (PDST).
- If you have NOT worked during the prior semester, Campus Shared Services will be reaching out to you to complete on-boarding documentation. This is required and must happen prior to beginning any work. Failure to complete this process will have a drastic impact on your salary and the payment of fees and tuition.
Additional Appointments and Funding:
- Any ASE appointment may impact a student's Financial Aid award for the semester. Students should confer with the Financial Aid Office with any questions.
- Students may not hold a single or combination of appointments that exceed 50% time per semester without the prior approval of the home department. You must use the Request for Exception for Head Graduate Advisor Approval(link is external) form to request this exception.
- International students may not exceed 50% time employment in any semester.
- Students receiving support through the Doctoral Completion Fellowship are limited to a single 25% time appointment over both semesters of the DCF or one 50% time appointment in one of the two semesters of the DCF.
- Students receiving a fellowship administered by the Graduate Division that provides at least $16,000 in stipend plus fees (the latter from either fellowship or academic appointments) are subject to an employment restriction of working 25% each term or 50% for one term only.