Before I came to Berkeley I worked for two years for the University of Chicago Press, and in my first year here I worked part-time for the University of California Press. At Uchicago Press, I was a part-time subscription fulfillment assistant, and later became a full-time Business...Read more about Working in Academic Publishing Before and During the PhD
Upon entering graduate school, it’s tempting to put life on hold, dropping all extracurricular activities and instead focusing exclusively on coursework. Then, once coursework concludes, it’s even more tempting to allow dissertation work to become all-enveloping. The mental strain of always...Read more about The Thesis Isn’t Everything: In Defense of Hobbies during Graduate School
During the summer of 2018, I took the opportunity to combine my training as a historian with my wish to serve my country. At the suggestion of a friend, I applied for and accepted an online internship with the (nonpartisan) Office of the Historian in the Bureau of Public Affairs in the U.S....Read more about Interning with the U.S. Department of State: Putting History into Action
The summer after my first year at UC Berkeley, I looked for a summer job on campus that would give me the chance to both learn a new skill and earn some much-needed cash. Despite having no experience in coding or web development, I was lucky enough to be hired by Digital Humanities @ Berkeley as...Read more about Honing your professional skills through campus employment
At our final event of this semester, on December 4th the department’s Career Development Initiative hosted a panel discussion on the many careers of historians as writers moderated by Professor James Vernon. We were joined by Professor Elena Schneider, who prior to her academic career worked in...Read more about Panel on the Many Careers of Historians as Writers