Carla Hesse


Peder Sather Professor of History


PhD, Princeton University, 1986

MA, Princeton University (with distinction), 1982

BA, (honors) University of California, Santa Cruz (history and French literature), 1978

Research Interests 

Early Modern Europe

  • 16th-20th century France
  • European Intellectual History
  • 17th-20th century

Teaching Experience

Visiting Professor of History, Princeton University, Fall, 2004.

Directeur d’Etudes Invité, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, University of Paris, 2000.

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor, University of California, Berkeley, 1989-present.

Assistant Professor of History, Rutgers University, 1987-89.

Courses Taught

History 280: Revolutionary France, 1750-1850

History 275: Problems and Topics in Early Modern Europe, Renaissance to the French Revolution

History 166B: France from Louis XIV to Napoleon (1660-1815)

History 103: Race and Ethnicity in Early Modern Europe

History 5: Europe, Renaissance to the Present

Academic Fellowships, Honors and Awards

National Humanities Center Fellow, Research Triangle Park NC, 2000-2001.

Chancellor’s Initiative Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 1999-2000.

Guggenheim Fellowship, 1998-1999.

Humanities Committee on Research Fellowship, UC Berkeley, 1995-1996.

Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences Fellowship,

Stanford University (1996, deferred).

Senior Faculty Fellow, Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley, 1994-95.

Chevalier, Ordre des Palmes Académiques, French Government, July, 1993.

Member, Institute for Advanced Study, School of Historical Studies, Princeton NJ, 1992-93 (NEH Fellow).

President's Fellowship, Regents of the University of California, 1992-93.

William Koren Jr. Prize for the best article in modern French history of 1990, awarded by the Society for French Historical Studies, March 1991.

Committee on Research Junior Faculty Research Grant, UC Berkeley, 1990-1991.

American Council of Learned Societies, Recent Recipients Fellowship, 1989-90.

Princeton History Department Dissertation Prize, Princeton University, 1989.

Henry Rutgers Research Fellow, Rutgers University, 1987-89.

Whiting Foundation Fellowship in the Humanities, 1984-85.

Bourse Chateaubriand, 1983-84.

Fulbright Travel Fellowship, 1983-84.

Peer Reviewer

The National Endowment for the Humanities (1989; 1998); The Journal of Modern History (1991); French Historical Studies (1992, 1994, 2000); Princeton University Press (1993; 1997); American Historical Review (1994); Duke University Press (1994); Signs (1995).

Editorial Boards

Representations, University of California Press, 1991-present.

French Historical Studies, American Society for French Historical Studies, 2004-present.

Academic Service

Lynton Book Prize Committee, Columbia University, School of Journalism, 2005.

Member of the Budget Committee of the Academic Senate, University of California, Berkeley, 2003; 2006.

National Selection Committee: Mellon Foundation Fellowships in Graduate Study, 1999-2002.

Chair, French Studies Program, Institute for European Studies, International and Area Studies, UC Berkeley, 2001-present.

Executive Committee, France-Berkeley Fund, IAS, UC Berkeley. 2001-present.

Russell Major Prize Committee (best book in French History), American Historical Association, 1999-2002 (chair: 2002).

National Selection Committee: National Humanities Center Fellows, 2002-2003.

Vice-Chair of Graduate Studies, History Department, 2001-2003.

Editorial Board, The University of California Press (Berkeley and Los Angeles), 1997-00 (co-chair: 1998-00).

Chancellor’s “Blue Ribbon” Committee on the Library, UC Berkeley, 1997-98.

Executive Vice-Chair, Department of History, University of California, Berkeley, 1994- 1997.

Co-chair (with Stephen Greenblatt and Carol J. Clover), Representations, UC Press, 1993-2002.

Executive Committee, Human Rights Program, Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley, 1993-1996.

Member, Committee on Women, American Historical Association, 1993-96 (chair: 1996-98).

National Selection Committee for the Bicentennial Fellowships, French-American Foundation and French

Government Cultural Services, New York (1992 & 1993).

National Screening Committee, Doctoral Fellowship Program, The Social Science Research Council, New York (1993).

National Selection Committee, Bourse Chateaubriand, French Cultural Services (New York), a French Government Agency (1993-1995).

Final Selection Committee, UC President's Research Fellowships, University of California President's Office (1994).

Executive Committee, The France-Berkeley Foundation, UC Berkeley, 1992-94.

Co-director, The French Cultural Studies Program, IAS, UC Berkeley, 1990-94.

Advisory Committee, Women's Studies Department, UC Berkeley, 1990-1991.

National Program Committee for the 1993 Berkshire Conference on Women's History, 1991-93.

Editorial Board: Representations, University of California Press, 1991-present.

Graduate Admissions Committee, History Department, University of California, Berkeley, 1990 and 1992.

Graduate Education Committee, History Department, Rutgers University, 1988-90.

Faculty Fellow, Douglas College, Rutgers University, 1987-89.

Coordinator, Graduate Research Colloquium in Women's Studies, Princeton University, 1985.

Steering Committee, Mellon Literature and History Colloquium, Princeton University, 1984.

Coordinator, Graduate History Association Colloquium Series, Princeton University, 1983.


French:excellent speaking, reading, and writing ability.

German: reading knowledge, some speaking.


Robert Darnton, Professor of History, Princeton and Oxford Universities.

Jan Goldstein, Professor of History, University of Chicago.

Colin Jones, Professor of History, University of Warwick, England.

Lynn Hunt, Professor of History, University of California, Los Angeles

Birthdate & Citizenship

July 24, 1956, Berkeley, California U.S.A.


The Other Enlightenment: How French Women Became Modern (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001).

Publishing and Cultural Politics in Revolutionary Paris, 1789-1810 (Berkeley: UC Press, 1991).

Edited Books

Co-editor with Peter Sahlins: Mobility in France: Special Issue of French Historical Studies (forthcoming: summer 2006).

Co-Editor with Robert Post, Human Rights in Political Transitions: Gettysburg to Bosnia (New York: Zone Books, 1999).

Editor: Practices of Enlightenment, special issue of Representations, no. 61 (spring 1997).

Co-editor with Thomas Laqueur, National Cultures Before Nationalism, special issue of Representations, no. 47 (summer 1994).

Co-editor with Barbara Diefendorf: Culture and Identity in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800 (University of Michigan Press, 1993).

Co-editor with R. Howard Bloch, Future Libraries, special issue of Representations, no. 42 (spring 1993).

  • Revised and reissued in paperback as Future Libraries, Bloch and Hesse, eds. (Berkeley: UC Press, 1995).

Co-editor with Laura Mason: Catalogue of the Pamphlets, Songsheets and Periodicals of the French Revolutionary Era in the Princeton University Library (New York: Garland Press, 1989).

Articles & Book Chapters

"La Révolution française et Changement Sociale: Vers un Nouveau Ordre Bourgeois? La Vue des U.S.A." Actes du Colloque de l'Université du Lille 3 (forthcoming).

"Devenir Républicaine et Historienne: Louise de Kéralio," Nicole Pellegrin, ed., Histoires d'Historiennes (Saint-Etienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Etienne, forthcoming 2006).

"Toward a New Topography of Enlightenment," European Historical Review (forthcoming).

"Introduction," (with Peter Sahlins) Mobility in France: Special Issue of French Historical Studies (forthcoming: Summer: 2006).

"The New Empiricism," Cultural History and Socal History (2004) 1: 201-207. (Polish translation, forthcoming).

"Roche on the Move," French Historical Studies (Fall: 2005).

"Revolutionary Rousseaus: The Story of His Editions After 1789," in Marie-Christine Stuncke, Media and Political Culture in the Eighteenth Century (Kungl, Vitterhets Historie Och Antikvitets Akademien: Stockholm, 2005): 105-128.

"Print Culture in the Enlightenment," in The Enlightenment World, Ian McCallman ed. (New York: Blackwell, 2005).

"Women and the Enlightened Republic of Letters," in Sarah Knott and Barbara Taylor, eds. Feminism and the Enlightenment (London: Palegrave, 2005).

"The Rise of Intellectual Property, 700 B.C.-A.D. 2000: An Idea in the Balance," Daedalus (Spring 2002), pp. 6-45. (Chinese translation, in preparation)

"The Cultural Contradictions of Feminism in the French Revolution," in Colin Jones and Dror Wahrman, eds., The Age of Cultural Revolutions (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002), pp. 190-202.

"The Law of the Terror," Modern Language Notes, no. 114, special "French Issue" (October,1999), pp.702-718.

  • Revised, expanded and re-published as, "La logique culturelle de la loi révolutionnaire," Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 57e anné (juillet-août 2002), pp. 915-933.

"Disasters: An Afterword,” in Alessa Johns, ed., Dreadful Visitations: Confronting Natural Catastrophe in the Age of Enlightenment (New York: Routledge, 1999).

"Communication et révolution politique: l’exemple de la France," Actes du Colloque: Les Trois Révolutions de l’Imprimerie, special issue of the Revue française d’histoire du livre, nos. 106-109 (Geneva: Droz, 2001), pp. 209-218.

"Eros versus Philosophy: the Politics of Genre in the French Revolution," Actes du Colloque: Le Livre Français (Paris: forthcoming).

"Les Carrières des historiennes aux Etats-Unis depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale," Actes du Colloques: Une Histoire Sans Femmes, Est-Il Possible? (Rouen: Presses Universitaires, 1999).

"La fin de l’ancien régime typographique," in L’Affiche en Révolution (Vizille: Musée de la Révolution française, 1998): 65-72.

"French Women in Print, 1750-1800: An Essay in Historical Bibliography," in The Darnton Debate:Books and Revolution in the Eighteenth Century, Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth-Century, volume 358, 1998): 65-82.

"Humanities and the Library in the Digital Age," in What’s Happened to the Humanities? Alvin Kernan, ed. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1997): 107-121.

"Books in Time," in The Future of the Book, Geoffrey Nunberg ed. (Berkeley: UC Press, 1996).

"La Preuve par la lettre: pratiques juridiques au tribunal révolutionnaire de Paris (1793-1794)," Annales: Histoire, Sciences Sociales , no. 3, 1996: 629-642;

  • German translation: “Das französische Revolutionstribunal –Gerichtsverfahren und die kulturelle Konstrucktion des modernen politischen Subjekts,” in Bilder der Nation, Ulrich Bielefeld und Gisela Engel (Hg.), eds. (Hamburg: Hamburger Edition, 1998), pp. 331-350.

"Introduction," National Cultures Before Nationalism (Special issue of Representations, no. 47 (summer 1994), with Thomas Laqueur, pgs. 1-12.

"Kant, Foucault and Three Women," in Foucault and the Writing of History, Jan Goldstein, ed. (London: Basil Blackwell, 1993): 81-98.

"Silences and the History of Representations of War: A Comment," The Journal of Military History vol. 57, no. 5 (October, 1993): 139-145.

"Introduction," Future Libraries, R. Howard Bloch and Carla Hesse eds (University of California Press, 1995), with R. Howard Bloch): 1-12.

"Introduction," Culture and Identity in Early Modern Europe, Barbara Diefendorf and Carla Hesse eds. (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1993), with Barbara Diefendorf.

"Revolutionary Histories: The Literary Politics of Louise de Kéralio, 1758-1822," in Culture and Identity in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1800. Edited by Barbara Diefendorf and Carla Hesse (Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press, 1993).

"Enlightenment Epistemology and the Laws of Authorship in Revolutionary France, 1777-1793," Representations 30: Special issue on Law and the Order of Culture (spring, 1990), pp. 109-137. 

  • Winner of the Koren Prize for the best article in modern French history of 1990, awarded by the Society for French Historical Studies.
  • Reprinted in: Law and the Order of Culture, edited by Robert Post (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991).

"Reading Signatures: Female Authorship and Revolutionary Law in France, 1750- 1850," Eighteenth Century Studies (Special bicentennial issue edited by Lynn Hunt), 22: 3 (Spring 1989), pp. 469-487.

"Economic Upheavals in Paris Publishing," a chapter in Revolution in Print: the Press in France, 1775-1800, Robert Darnton and Daniel Roche, eds. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1989), pp. 69-97.

"Le Sort des imprimeurs et libraires parisiennes après la chute de la chambre syndicale en 1791," Mélanges de la Bibliothèque de la Sorbonne, 9: Livre et Révolution, Daniel Roche et Roger Chartier, eds. (Paris: Amateurs du Livre, 1989), 21-32.

"The Dilemmas of Publishing under the French Republic, 1793-1800," Publishing and Readership in Revolutionary France and America(New York: Greenwood, 1993).

Reviews, etc.

"Olympe de Gouges," Encyclopedia of Modern Europe, John Merriman ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).

“Literary and Intellectual Property,” Oxford Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming).

“Révolution et Empire,” Dictionnaire encyclopédique du livre et l’édition (Paris: Elecre: forthcoming).

"Louise Félicité Guynement de Kéralio," biographical entry in The Feminist Companion to French Literature, Samia Spencer, et al, eds. (New York: Greenwood, forthcoming).

Review of Robert L. Dawson, The French Book Trade and the 'permission simple' of 1777: copyright and the public domain; with an edition of the permit registers. Oxford: Voltaire Foundation at the Taylor Institution, 1992. Pp. xvi+665; bibliography; illustration; indices. (Forthcoming: Bibliographic Studies).

Review of Inscrire et éffacer. Culture écrite et littérature (XIe-XVIIIe sičcle) (Hautes Etudes. Paris: Editions du Seuil; Paris: Editions du Gallimard, 2005). Pp. 211. Journal of Modern History (forthcoming).

Review article: “Revolutionary Historiography after the Cold War: Arno Mayer’s “Furies” in the French Context,” Journal of Modern History73 (December 2001), pp. 897-907.

Review of Jean-Pierre Gross, Fair Shares for All: Jacobin Egalitarianism in Practice (1997), xv+255 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge), and Patrice Higonnet, Goodness Beyond Virtue: Jacobins during the French Revolution (1998), 397 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge MA), Social History, vol 26: no. 2 (May: 2001), pp. 222-225.

Review of Hans Lusebrinck and Rolf Reichardt, The Bastille. Chapel Hill NC: Duke University Press, 1997, American Historical Review(Dec. 1998).

Review of Gary Kelly, Women, Writing and Revolution, 1790-1827. Oxford: Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1993). Pp. ix+328. Journal of Modern History, 1996.

Report on the Status and Hiring of Women and Minority Historians in Academia, 4th Ed. (Washington DC: American Historical Association, 1995): 1-12.

Review of Dorinda Outram, The Body and the French Revolution: Sex, Class, and Political Culture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989. Journal of Modern History, Vol. 63, no 4, December 1991:782-783.

Review of Robert Badinter, ed., Une autre justice 1789-1799. Contributions à l'histoire de la justice sous la Révolution française. Paris: Fayard, 1989. Histoire Sociale-Social History, Vol. XXIV (no 48), November 1991:371-373.

Co-author with Jeanne Bornstien, "An Exhibition as Catalyst: Revolution in Print: France,1789," Humanities (10:4 July-August, 1989), pp. 11-13.

Review of Mona Ozouf, Festivals of the French Revolution. Trans., Alan Sheridan. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1988. Eighteenth Century Studies, 22: 2 (Winter,1988-89).

Professor Carla Hesse


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