Firuzan Melike Sümertaş


Middle East

Firuzan Melike Sümertaş's research is on the urban/architectural/visual culture of the late Ottoman Empire and its capital city Istanbul, with a particular interest in the Greek-Orthodox community. She currently focuses on digital humanities methods. Sümertaş holds a PhD. in History from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul and B.Arch and M.A degrees from Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Department of Architecture, and Program in Architectural History. Besides IstanΠόλις ( collaborative lead by Christine Philliou, she collaborates with Namık Erkal, Haris Theodorelis Rigas and ANAMED at Koç University, Istanbul under the project entitled “Phanariot Materialities.” 
 Firuzan Melike Sumertas


2305 Dwinelle