Congratulations to Ph.D. student Tara Madhav, winner of the AHA Raymond J. Cunningham Prize for the best article published in a journal written by an undergraduate student. The prize was awarded for Madhav's article “‘We Had to Do the Educating Ourselves’: Community Control and Desegregation at Ravenswood High School in East Palo Alto, California, 1958–1976,” published in Clio’s Scroll: The Berkeley Undergraduate History Journal (Fall 2021). Madhav's article was a revision of her undergraduate thesis, advised by professors Caitlin Rosenthal and Bernadette Pérez.
Of winning the prize, Madhav writes: "I'm really excited to receive this award, and it wouldn't have been possible without the academic and professional advice of Professor Peréz and Professor Rosenthal!"
Read more about this year's American History Association prizewinners.