Contact & Directions

Directions to Dwinelle Hall

Dwinelle Hall is conveniently located 1/2 mile from the Downtown Berkeley BART Station. For more information about visiting campus, please see the Visitor Services website.

Directions to 3335 & 3401 Dwinelle Hall

  • Enter Dwinelle Hall from the north entrance (marked Ishi Court) from Campanile Way. This entrance is adjacent to the Valley Life Sciences Building and California Hall.
  • Proceed up the elevator or stairs to Level C.
  • After exiting the elevator or stairwell, turn right into the hallway and proceed to the end. There will be signs on the column and above the doorway indicating 3335 Dwinelle.
  • 3401 Dwinelle (the L&S Conference Room) is immediately to the right of room 3335.