Statement of Support for Black Lives from History Graduate Students and Faculty

"As historians, we are aware of the transformative power of silence as much as action. We add our voices to those already disrupting this silence, and assert our commitment to resisting white supremacy and other systems of oppression that have long been part of this country’s history and its actions around the world. We do not write with empty words in the service of self-interest, but with the intent of devoting practical resources and concrete commitments in the service of solidarity." 

On June 1, 2020, graduate students of the History Department at UC Berkeley sent this Statement to the History Community.  In response, History faculty have also circulated their own message of solidarity of this statement, available here

Statement of Support for Black Lives from History Graduate Students 

To members of the Department of History:

We write from a place of rage as well as hope.

As graduate students in the Department of History at UC Berkeley, we mourn the recent deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Steven Taylor, Tony McDade, David McAtee, and George Floyd, whose murders at the hands of white supremacists and law enforcement personnel extend a history of fatal violence -- state-sanctioned and otherwise -- against Black people in the United States. We express full support for the families of Ahmaud Arbery(link is external), Breonna(link is external) Taylor, George Floyd(link is external), Tony McDade(link is external), David McAtee(link is external),  and others whose lives have been stolen. We recognize, too, that Amy Cooper’s recent attempt to call the police on Christian Cooper may have ended in yet another Black individual’s death at the hands of law enforcement. We acknowledge that these racial injustices compound the disproportionately tragic impact of COVID-19 misgovernance upon  marginalized communities. Insufficient access to medical aid, housing disparities, poor working conditions, and other historically-rooted forms of oppression disproportionately impact communities of color(link is external) in the Bay Area and across the country, placing them at an increased health risk(link is external). These compounding forms of systemic racism jeopardize the lives and livelihoods of families, individuals, and communities of color. 

As historians, we are aware of the transformative power of silence as much as action. We add our voices to those already disrupting this silence, and assert our commitment to resisting white supremacy and other systems of oppression that have long been part of this country’s history and its actions around the world. We do not write with empty words in the service of self-interest, but with the intent of devoting practical resources and concrete commitments in the service of solidarity. 

First and foremost, we express our commitment and responsibilities to our Black colleagues, students, and acquaintances. We recognize that this particular moment harkens back at a longer, traumatic history of injustice for our Black colleagues and their communities. We acknowledge, respect, and honor their resilience in yet another moment of hurt and hardship. In an effort to protect and prioritize the safety of our Black colleagues, students, and acquaintances on campus, we will demand proactive reforms of UCPD rather than a mere acknowledgement that “things must change.”(link is external) We will also encourage UC Berkeley to re-examine, as the University of Minnesota has(link is external), its relationship with Berkeley Police, and to proactively redirect some of its funds to other campus initiatives.

We express our support for those protestors across the United States who have taken to the streets to defend and advocate for Black lives and resist a long history of racist police violence(link is external).  We equally support those who are providing bail funds and legal aid, food and water, medical services, and other means of support to protestors exercising their right to dissent. We condemn members of the police departments, the U.S. National Guard, and other state forces who have repeatedly instigated violence(link is external) and endangered the lives of protestors and civilians. We reject the ambivalence and, in some cases, outright endorsement of local, state, and federal leaders toward the clear pattern of instigation and hostility among law enforcement personnel. We condemn President Trump’s unconstitutional,  discriminatory, and dangerous vow to designate Antifa, an unofficial coalition of autonomous groups opposing fascism, as a terrorist organization(link is external). As protests continue to grow across the country, we are committed to providing whatever support necessary to organizations advocating for Black lives and against rampant police violence. We are mobilizing donations and have established a fundraising goal of $5,000 to donate to People’s Breakfast Oakland for bail and mutual aid funds. If you are a History Department affiliate or if for any other reason you prefer to add your donation to our pool, then please follow the instructions through this link(link is external). For those that prefer to donate directly, we encourage you to support the following Black-led organizations who are leading and organizing anti-racist work across the country: Anti-Police Terror Project(link is external) (Oakland and Sacramento, CA), Black Visions Collective(link is external), Reclaim the Block(link is external), Chicago Community Bond Fund(link is external) (Chicago, IL), Atlanta Solidarity Fund(link is external) (Atlanta, GA), Black Lives Matter National(link is external) (multi-city). A list of 37 bail and mutual aid funds is available here(link is external) or you can donate to a specific local bail and mutual aid fund listed here(link is external)

Finally, we assume the responsibility of resisting white supremacy within academic settings as much as beyond these spaces. As instructors tasked with fostering safe and meaningful learning environments, we will continue to center challenging yet necessary discussions of race, racism, and racial oppressions in our classrooms using accessible and productive resources(link is external) to do so. We are committed to instructing ourselves as well as our students in historical methods and content that challenges normative experiences, identities, and narratives, particularly those relating to United States history and global histories of fascism while simultaneously uplifting and centering marginalized historical actors, voices, and narratives. We call on faculty and administrators to affirmatively further long-term solutions to racial inequities within the academy, being attentive to the systemic causes of racism and oppression. Members of the Department with white privilege must recognize our responsibility in alleviating our Black and brown colleagues of the burden of anti-racist work and instruction. We acknowledge that meaningful anti-racist work begins with a critical reflection upon white privilege(link is external), and how that privilege manifests itself in our community specifically and in the academy generally. 

As historians, it is imperative that we utilize our knowledge of the past in the service of a more just and equitable future. While it is challenging to fully make sense of this moment, we encourage fellow members of the History community to use their expertise, resources, and energy to support meaningful historical change and those affecting it. We unequivocally commit ourselves to the task of using our resources and capabilities as historians to resist racism and oppression in all forms. In consulting a complicated past, we fight for a better future. We call upon members of the Department to join us in these commitments. 


Annabel LaBrecque

Cameron Black

Briana V. Vessells 

Sarah Sears

Mariam Sabri

Sean Cronan

Lucia Tang

Kyle Jackson

Elizabeth Hargrett

Gisselle Perez-Leon

Anthony Morreale 

Varsha Venkatasubramaniam 

Andrew Hardy

John Handel

Noah Bender

Aparajita Das

Hilary Lynd

Simon Brown

Sourav Ghosh

Maria Barreiros Almeida Reis

Mahel Hamroun

Christopher Lawson

Claire Wrigley

Miles Culpepper

Paulina Hartono

Henry Schmidt 

Daniel Friedman

Sam Stubblefield

Nicole Viglini 

Rohit Krishnan

AJ Solovy

Franklin Sammons

Amy O’Hearn

Christene Stratman

Sloane Nilsen

Evan Fernandez

Brent Howitt Otto

Benjamin Daniels

Shoufu Yin

Russell L. Weber

Coleman Mahler

Valentina Viktorovskaia

Sara Friedman

Jonathan Andrew Lear

Joy Neumeyer

Dana Landress

Clare Ibarra

Trenton Wilson

Eva Vaillancourt 

Shaivya Mishra

David Delano

Tulasi Johnson

Harrison King 

Sarah Lee

Leah F. Bórquez

Calvin Paulson

Anayeli Nunez Almengor

Matthew Kovac

Aidan Lee

Alexandra Coakley

Natalie Novoa

Jordan Thomas Mursinna

Grace Goudiss

Mason E. Hinsdale

Peter M. Michelli

Peter Vale

Courtney Bither 

Sebastian Peel

Christin Zurbach

Pawel Koscielny

Kimberly Killion

Gloria B. Yu

Statement of Support by History Faculty, Instructors, and Staff

Dear Members of the Cal History Department Community,

As faculty and staff in the Department of History at UC Berkeley, we write to amplify the eloquent and powerful Statement of Support for Black Lives that was recently issued by a courageous and thoughtful group of History graduate students in our department.

We endorse their full-throated outrage towards the recent racist killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. We share their disgust at the malevolent attack on Christian Cooper in Central Park. We echo their indignation at the profound structural inequities laid bare by the disproportionately catastrophic impact of COVID-19 on communities of color. And we join them in denouncing heavy-handed police crackdowns against peaceful activists and demonstrators in California and throughout the country. We also appreciate the creative call to action that accompanies their appeal as well as the pragmatic fund-raising initiative that they have spearheaded on behalf of organizations leading the anti-racist resistance.

We could not be prouder of the passion and moral seriousness that students from the Cal History Department have showcased in this eloquent Statement and we stand beside them in admiration and solidarity.


Peter Zinoman

Brian DeLay

David Henkin

Andrew Barshay

Elena Schneider

Massimo Mazzotti

Maria Mavroudi

Ethan Katz

Susanna Elm

Mark Brilliant

John Efron

Waldo Martin

James Vernon

Maureen C Miller

Stefan Hoffmann

Emily Mackil

Cathryn Carson

Caitlin Rosenthal

Carla Hesse

Margaret Chowning

Michael Nylan

John Connelly

Carlos Noreña

Rebecca Herman

Rebecca McLennan

Dylan Penningroth

Ronit Stahl

Tom Dandelet

Sandra Eder

Diliana Angelova

Jonathan Sheehan

Abhishek Kaicker

Tabitha KANOGO

Stephan Astourian

Geoffrey Koziol

Stephanie Jones-Rogers 

Wen-hsin Yeh

Ethan Shagan

Andrew Barshay

Christine Philliou

Victoria Frede

Isabel Richter

Joseph Kellner

Vanessa Ogle

Michael Nylan

Ari Edmundson

Elizabeth Schwall

Peiting C. Li

Maya Sisneros

David Harris

Laura Marostica

Erin Leigh Inama

Leah Flanagan

Marianne Bartholomew-Couts

Kimberly Bissell

Rachel Reinhard