Relevant Documents Cited

History at Berkeley: A Dialog in Three Parts

Link forthcomingGene A. Brucker, Henry F. May, and David A. Hollinger (UCB: Institute of Governmental Affairs, 1998)

University of California Academic Senate, In Memoriam(link is external)

Biographies of UC Faculty and Administrators. To link to a particular obituary, enter the first and last name of the individual in the “Search Memorials” box.

“Two Cheers for Equality"

Adrienne Koch. “Two Cheers for Equality,” delivered as a speech at a UC forum in San Francisco during 1963 and printed, following Koch’s death, in the Maryland Historian III (Spring 1972), 21-31.

History Men and Women Ph.D. Students 1969-1980 (link is external)

Names and full dissertation titles of History Ph.D. students from 1969-1980.