Online Instruction

Virtual Instruction: Privacy and Ethics

Research, Teaching and Learning’s “Keep Teaching”(link is external) - “Keep your teaching moving forward with new approaches, effective strategies and resources, and best practices to support remote learning” - has main sections on “Get Started,” “Get Equipped,” “Tools and Technology” and “Best Practices”

  • Remote Instruction Guide(link is external)“Developed specifically for UC Berkeley instructors and GSIs, this guide serves as a resource on how to use your bCourses site as your virtual classroom, develop asynchronous instructional materials, foster student-to-student interaction, and reimagine assignments and exams for a remote format. The guide is provided in bCourses as a self-enrollment course.”

Disabled Students' Program(link is external)

Supporting DSP students remotely(link is external)
DSP, LOAs and accommodations for your students

Academic Senate’s “Best Practices for Remote Examinations”(link is external)