Richard M. Abrams

Professor Emeritus


Ph.D., Columbia University
A.B., Columbia College


History 39: "Classics" in American History

History 103: Readings on Business in the History of American Life

History 124B: The United States Since 1940

History 161: The Emergence of the Modern Industrial State

History 285: Readings and Research on Business in the History of American Culture

Representative Publications

The Burdens of Progress: American Society, 1901-1929. (Scott, Foresman, 1978)

"The U.S. Military and Higher Education: A Brief History," Annals, American Association of Political and Social Science, V. 502, March 1989.

"Review Essay: Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction by Thomas K. McCraw" Business History Review 81:4 (Winter 2007).

"America, A Consumer Society?" Dissent Spring, 2008.

America Transformed: Sixty Years of Revolutionary Change, 1941-2001(Cambridge University Press, 2006). Paperback edition, 2008.