Andrej Milivojević

Visiting Lecturer

Late Modern Europe

Research Interests

Andrej Milivojević's research and teaching interests focus on economic history, nationalism and collective action, and are based on a conversation between the disciplines of history and economics, as well as on the use of textual and quantitative analysis. His dissertation, "Almost a Revolution: 1960s Liberal Reforms and Liberals in Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia," traced reforms that began in the early 1960s, when elites from Yugoslavia's three most influential republics worked together to implement market-oriented reforms and to create a convertible currency — a first for a socialist regime — and ended in the early 1970s when Tito, Yugoslavia's indomitable ruler, purged reformist leaders. Dr. Milivojević has also worked in public policy, including San Francisco's Department of Human Services, Serbia's Ministry of Social Affairs on the World Bank's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, and helped create educational materials about non-violent civil action. He is currently working on a book-length project based on his dissertation and will be a fellow at Woodrow Wilson Center next summer.


PhD, University of California, Berkeley (2013)

MPP, University of California, Berkeley (2005)

BA, University of California, Berkeley (2000)