Jennifer Robin Terry

Visiting Lecturer

North America

I am a social and cultural historian who specializes in the histories of childhood, popular culture, and the West in the 19th- and 20th-century United States. My research and publications center on cultural ideas and constructions of childhood in the mid-twentieth century. I am particularly interested in the ways that environment, entertainment, and cultural trends influence generational identity. I have taught courses in U.S. History and historical research methodology & writing for nearly two decades.

I am a total history nerd! So beyond academia -- I am a novelist, heritage tourist, and the president of the Western Association of Women Historians ( 


PhD, University of California, Berkeley, 2018

MA, Sacramento State University, 2004

BA, Sacramento State University, 2002


Most Recent Publication

"Niños por la causaChild Activists and the United Farm Workers Movement, 1965–1975," Pacific Historical Review (2023) 92 (2): 227–259.

For a full list of publications, please see my personal website: 

Jennifer Robin Terry


2314 Dwinelle

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