Late Modern Europe
My research shows how popular film became a forum through which to advocate and imagine humanistic social change during the first few years of the Weimar Republic.
Research Interests
- Imperial and Weimar Germany
- German film and literature
- World War I
- Censorship
- LGBTQ+ history
- Media archaeology
- Animal studies
Selected Publications
Forum: "After Weimar; Beyond Hirschfeld? Nostalgia, Hagiography and What Comes Next,” German History, forthcoming in January 2025.
“Virtual Witnessing: Weimar Cinema’s pre-Weimar roots in Anders als die Andern (Different from the Others, 1919),” chapter in an edited volume Weimar’s Queer Visual Cultures, University of Toronto Press, forthcoming.
Selected Awards and Fellowships
2023, Central European History Society Research Grant, Central European History Society
2021-2022, Erasmus+ Freie Universität Berlin
2020-2021, Stipendium der Studienstiftung des Abgeordnetenhauses von Berlin (Study Foundation of the Berlin House of Representatives)
2020, Philip Brett LGBT Studies Fellowship, University of California - Berkeley
2019, Institute for European Studies Gerald D. and Norma Feldman Graduate Student Dissertation Fellowship, University of California - Berkeley
2018, Max Kade Travel Stipend Award
2016-2022, Eugene Cota-Robles Fellowship for Graduate Study, University of California - Berkeley
Selected Presentations
“‘Dreamland of the Armistice’: The Weimar Republic in Spring 1919,” Seminar: “Weimar Germany, Taking Stock and Moving Forward,” German Studies Association, Atlanta, Georgia, September 2024.
Anders als die Andern roundtable for the Institute of Historical Research, School of Advanced Study, University of London (online roundtable), February 2024.
“Simple Life Stories: Virtual Witnessing in Anders als die Andern,” Weimar’s Queer Visual Cultures workshop, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK, June 2023.
“Thinking of Germany in the Night: Magnus Hirschfeld’s Physical Exile and Literary Home,” Panel (co-organizer): “After Weimar, Beyond Hirschfeld: The Sexual Reform Movement in Exile and in Memory,” German Studies Association, Houston, TX, September 2022.
“Idealists and Exiles: Internationalism in Sexology and Film from Weimar to War,” Seminar: “Transnational Germans: Local Actors and Global Spaces, Global Actors and Local Spaces,” German Studies Association, Indianapolis, IN, September 2021.
“Durch Film zur Gerechtigkeit. Fortschrittliche Filme und die Novemberrevolution,” Humboldt Universität zu Berlin: Europäische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts Kolloquium, Berlin, Germany (invited talk), November 2020.
“The Afterlives of Anders als die Andern: Media Archaeology and Queer Weimar,” University of British Columbia: The Pasts and Futures of Queer German Studies Conference, Vancouver, Canada (online conference), April 2020.
“Experiments in German Censorship from Verdun to Weimar,” Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München: ProMoHist-Kolloquium, Munich, Germany (invited talk), December 2019.