PhD Student
Latin America & the Caribbean
I am a second-year PhD student in History at UC Berkeley. My research focuses on the history of deviance, crime, and punishment in 19th—and 20th-century Brazil. It examines the intersection of legal medicine and social control, exploring how Brazil's political elites used medical science and criminology to pathologize deviant behavior, framing it as a threat to public health and national development. I earned my B.A and a Master's in History from the Santa Catarina State University (PPGH-UDESC) in Brazil. My master thesis is titled Between the Prison and the Home: Labor and Women's Resocialization in the Florianópolis Penitentiary, 1930-1963. I am actively involved and serve as the Vice-coordinator at the Marginal Archives Project(link is external). My research interests include the History of Crime and Punishment, Prisons, Women's and Gender, and Labor History.
Awards & Fellowships
The John L. Simpson Pre-dissertation Research Fellowships in International & Area Studies, 2024
CLACS Tinker Field Research grant, University of California, Berkeley, 2024
Master's Scholarship from Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for conducting research and a Master's thesis, 2019-2021
Teaching Assistant Scholarship from Santa Catarina State University, 2018
Undergraduate Research Scholarship (PROBIC-UDESC) for research at the Marginal Archives Project, 2015-2018
University Extension Program Scholarship (UDESC) for archival preservation at the Marginal Archives Project, 2014-2015
With Fernando Salla and Viviane Borges, "So that in the practice of good manners, she will find a dignified and happy life: institutional practices towards incarcerated women (Brazil, 1930s)(link is external)," In: Latin American Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Bioethics and Disabilities: 102, ed, 2023.
With Viviane Borges, "A história pública e os patrimônios difíceis: Arquivos Marginais, uma plataforma em construção (2011-2021),"(link is external) In: Memória, Educação & Difusão de Acervos Culturais. Campinas, Brazil: CMU Publicações, 2022.
With Carlos Eduardo Pereira de Oliveira, "Por uma História do Tempo Presente: Balanço teórico das pesquisas no PPGH/UDESC(link is external)," In: Fio que se faz trama: a História do Tempo Presente e a responsabilidade na pesquisa histórica. Vitória, Brazil: Milfontes, 2022
"Não deveria ser assim: narrativa de estudantes sobre o Brasil escravocrata e suas reverberações no Tempo Presente(link is external)," In: Formações de Professores/as em Geografia e História – Saberes e Práticas. Goiania, Brazil: Alfa, 2021
“Entre o cárcere e o lar: trabalho e ressocialização feminina na Penitenciária de Florianópolis, 1930-1963,"(link is external) 2021 (M.A thesis)
Public History Initiative
Histórias Marginais(link is external) is a podcast series that explores the lives of marginalized individuals incarcerated in Brazil, using records from the Penitentiary of Florianópolis as its primary source. Through non-fiction storytelling, it uncovers the experiences of ordinary people affected by confinement, aiming to address issues of incarceration, marginalization, and surveillance for a broad audience.