Philipp Lenhard

DAAD Professor

Late Modern Europe


MA, University of Cologne, Germany (2010)

Dr. phil., University of Munich, Germany (2014)

Habilitation, University of Munich (2022)

Research Interests

Modern Jewish History; Modern German History; Intellectual History; Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School; Comparative European History

Representative Publications

Volk oder Religion? Die Entstehung moderner jüdischer Ethnizität in Frankreich und Deutschland, 1782-1848 [Nation or Religion? The Emergence of Modern Jewish Ethnicity in France and Germany, 1782-1848] (Vandenhoeck&Ruprecht, 2014)

Friedrich Pollock – die graue Eminenz der Frankfurter Schule [Friedrich Pollock – the Grey Eminence of the Frankfurt School] (Suhrkamp, 2019), English translation forthcoming with Brill, 2023

Rethinking the Age of Emancipation: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives on Gender, Family, and Religion in Italy and Germany, 1800-1918, ed., with Martin Baumeister and Ruth Nattermann (Berghahn, 2020)

Wahlverwandtschaften. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Freundschaft im deutschen Judentum, 1888-1938 [Elective Affinities: A Cultural History of Friendship among German Jews, 1888-1938] (Mohr Siebeck, 2023)

Current Research

Asylum for the Homeless: The Institute for Social Research, 1923-1973. A Biography (under contract with C.H. Beck)

Handbook of Friendship Studies, ed. with Tobias Heinrich and Andree Michaelis-König 


3207 Dwinelle

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