Graduate Fellowships by Field

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Fellowship Name
Short Description


Rocca Pre-dissertation Research The faculty governing committee has decided to make a small portion of the funds available for a few pre-dissertation research awards of up to $4000 each for summer research trips. February 7, 2022
Rocca Dissertation Research The endowment supports student scholars at the advanced graduate level concentrating in African Studies. Funds may be requested for maintenance, travel, or research costs, as appropriate to enhance dissertation research in Africa in the upcoming academic year. April 11, 2022
Ezera Research for African Students The Ezera Fellowship gives priority to graduate students from West Africa who show exceptional promise of advancing scholarship in African Studies in the social sciences, humanities, and public policy and who demonstrate strong leadership potential. Students from other African regions are eligible and are encouraged to apply. April 11, 2022
Center for the Tebtunis Papyri Travel Funds The Center for the Tebtunis Papyri (CTP) has modest funding available to provide grants to graduate students for travel related to the study of papyrology. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year and should preferably be submitted at least 6 weeks before departure.

Ancient Greece and Rome

Paul J. Alexander Memorial Fellowship The Paul J. Alexander Memorial Fellowship was established to provide funding support for advanced Berkeley graduate students who are studying Byzantine, ancient, or medieval history. April 20, 2021
The Frank E. Ratliff Fellowship in Classical Antiquity The fellowship will support outstanding Ph.D. candidates whose work focuses on Classical antiquity, in particular Greek literature and archaeology April 15, 2022


Paul J. Alexander Memorial Fellowship The Paul J. Alexander Memorial Fellowship was established to provide funding support for advanced Berkeley graduate students who are studying Byzantine, ancient, or medieval history. April 20, 2021

East Asia: China

The David N. Keightley Fellowship Recipients shall be graduate students whose work focuses on China and/or Chinese subjects, with strong preferences for those whose research emphasis is on Neolithic to the Han dynasty period. April 20, 2021
Institute of East Asian Studies Fellowships The Centers for Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, Korean Studies, Silk Road Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) announce their fellowship competitions for continuing graduate students in East Asian studies. April 1, 2022
Luce Scholars Program Provides an intensive experience in Asia for young Americans who show evidence of potential leadership and accomplishment. Applicants should have a strong, mature, and clearly defined interest in a field other than Asian affairs. (on pause for 2022-2023)
Center for Chinese Studies Fellowship The Center for Chinese Studies offers annual competitive fellowships for continuing UC Berkeley graduate students in Chinese studies. Eligibility varies among the fellowships. Students may submit a single application for multiple CCS awards. April 1, 2022
The Dr. C.F. Koo and Cecilia Koo Chair Fellowships for Outstanding Graduate Students in East Asian Studies Students (both MA and PhD) in any field of East Asian studies (defined as a focus on China, Japan, Korea and Inner Asia) who are currently enrolled in a graduate program at UC Berkeley and who will file their dissertations no earlier than December 2021 are eligible for nomination. March 1, 2022
Blakemore Freeman Fellowships Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of full-time, intensive language study of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Khmer or Burmese at the advanced level in approved language programs in East or Southeast Asia. Applicants must be American citizens or permanent residents of the United States. December 30, 2021

East Asia: Taiwan

Dr. and Mrs. James C.Y. Soong Fellowship The Dr. and Mrs. James C.Y. Soong Fellowship provides financial support for graduate students from Taiwan who are enrolled full-time at the University of California, Berkeley, in any field of study April 20, 2021

East Asia: Japan

Institute of East Asian Studies Fellowships The Centers for Chinese Studies, Japanese Studies, Korean Studies, Silk Road Studies, Southeast Asian Studies, and the Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) announce their 2019-2020 fellowship competitions for UC Berkeley continuing graduate students in East Asian studies. April 1, 2022
The Nippon Foundation Fellows Program The IUC is pleased to announce a fellowship program for students with Japan-focused career goals in academia, business, diplomacy/government service, journalism, translation, and law, generously sponsored by the Nippon Foundation. January 14, 2022
The Toshizo Watanabe Fellows Program Thanks to a generous $10 million gift from The Toshizo Watanabe Foundation, IUC is pleased to announce a scholarship program for both graduate and undergraduate students with Japan-focused career goals. January 14, 2022
Luce Scholars Program Provides an intensive experience in Asia for young Americans who show evidence of potential leadership and accomplishment. Applicants should have a strong, mature, and clearly defined interest in a field other than Asian affairs. (on pause for 2022-2023)
UC Berkeley Shinjo Ito Postdoctoral Fellowship in Japanese Buddhism The Fellowship is intended to foster the academic careers of recent Ph.D.'s, providing time to pursue their research along with the opportunity to take part in regular events and workshops offered by the Centers for Japanese and Buddhist Studies. March 15, 2020
CJS Fellowship in Japanese Studies The Center makes fellowship awards directly to graduate students in Japanese Studies; contributes funds to the multi-year fellowship program of the Institute of East Asian Studies; provides research assistantships to students working for faculty supervisors; helps support the fellowship program of the Inter-University Center for Japanese Studies (Yokohama, Japan), of which the University of California, Berkeley is a founding member. April 1, 2022
CJS Graduate Student Travel Grants The Graduate Student Travel Grants are available for continuing Japanese studies students presenting papers at academic conferences. Rolling Submission
The Dr. C.F. Koo and Cecilia Koo Chair Fellowships for Outstanding Graduate Students in East Asian Studies Students (both MA and PhD) in any field of East Asian studies (defined as a focus on China, Japan, Korea and Inner Asia) who are currently enrolled in a graduate program at UC Berkeley and who will file their dissertations no earlier than December 2021 are eligible for nomination. March 1, 2022
2021 Ezra Vogel Memorial Fellowship This fellowship competition is open to all UC Berkeley continuing graduate students in any field who have an interest in Sino-Japanese relations. The fellowship is intended to facilitate special research proposals and study plans focused on any aspect of Sino-Japanese history, migration, and cultural interaction, including political relations, art, literature, religion and technology. April 1
Blakemore Freeman Fellowships Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of full-time, intensive language study of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Khmer or Burmese at the advanced level in approved language programs in East or Southeast Asia. Applicants must be American citizens or permanent residents of the United States. December 30, 2021
East Asia: Korea 
Fellowship Competition for Continuing Graduate Students CKS holds an annual fellowship competition for continuing UC Berkeley graduate students in Korean Studies. CKS will accept applications for most academic purposes including pre-dissertation research, dissertation research, dissertation writing, and summer language study. A specific plan of research/study (not a general request for support) must be included with your application. Subject to availability of funding, a small number of competitive awards of up to $6,000 (maximum) are available. April 1, 2022
Student Travel Support CKS has a small fund to support current Berkeley graduate and undergraduate travel for scholarly purposes connected with the study of Korea. In most cases, support will go to students traveling to present a paper or participate in some other meaningful way in an organized event. Applications considered on a rolling basis


IGCC Dissertation Fellowship Each year IGCC provides funding for graduate students from all ten UC campuses, including one specially designated Herb York IGCC Fellowship. IGCC seeks to support dissertations around research topics that closely track to current global security priorities. The proposed dissertation research must have one of the following themes as an integral part of the project. February 22, 2022
Global International and Area Studies Grants GIAS provides several fellowships to support graduate students conducting research in international and area studies. April 15, 2021
Global International and Area Studies Unit Grants Each constituent unit in GIAS oversees its own fellowship and grant opportunities. Please visit the GIAS unit fellowship webpage for fellowships and grants. Varies
Pre-Dissertation Research Grant in International Studies The Pre-Dissertation Research Grant in International Studies supports UC Berkeley graduate students who will not formally advance to candidacy by the Fall of the fellowship term. Grants are intended to support travel, lodging, and research-related expenditures for graduate students who are conducting research away from campus. March 15, 2021

Late Modern Europe (1751–present)

Georges Lurcy Fellowship for Study in France An award for U.S. citizens or permanent residents who want to study or undertake research in France. The research topic should pertain to France and be one that can only be pursued in that country. March 25, 2022
R. Kirk Underhill Graduate Fellowship
Stoller, Sarah
The R. Kirk Underhill Graduate Fellowship provides $30,000 to a UC Berkeley graduate student whose research focuses on Anglo-American affairs, including but not limited to issues involving foreign relations, politics, history, law, economics, and culture. Priority will be given to students whose work is centrally concerned with US-UK relations or comparisons. Students from a broad range of disciplines are urged to apply. March 15, 2022
Center for British Studies Pre-Dissertation Grant This grant of $3,000 will be awarded to second or third year UC Berkeley graduate students before their qualifying exam to travel to Britain to conduct research and develop contacts that will help them prepare a dissertation proposal. January 31 of each year (or the following Monday when the 31st falls on a weekend)
DAAD for Study and/or for Research in Germany For Berkeley undergraduate seniors, graduate students, and postdoctoral researchers to undertake study and/or research in Germany. October 14, 2020
Institute of European Studies Grant Opportunities for Graduate Students These grants offer support to UC Berkeley faculty, lecturers, graduate students and undergraduate students for research in and about Europe, language study, and the organization of conferences, lectures and events. Most IES fellowships are open to students from all disciplines on the UC Berkeley campus. Varies

Latin America

Global International and Area Studies Unit Grants Please visit the GIAS unit fellowship webpage for fellowships and grants for the following units: Center for African Studies, Center for Latin American Studies, etc. varies
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships CLAS is offering FLAS awards to graduate students students studying Spanish, Portuguese, Nahuatl, or other Latin American languages. Fellowships are offered for both academic year and summer programs. January 31, 2022
Tinker Field Research Grants 2021 Tinker Field Research Grants are available to graduate students for travel and field-related expenses for brief periods of pre-dissertation field research in Latin America, defined here as the Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries of the region. February 28, 2021

Medieval Europe (1000–1300)

Paul J. Alexander Memorial Fellowship The Paul J. Alexander Memorial Fellowship was established to provide funding support for advanced Berkeley graduate students who are studying Byzantine, ancient, or medieval history. Spring 2021, TBD

Middle East

International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Awards U.S. citizens who are affiliated full time with a North American college or university are eligible for academic exchange programs in the Middle East and North Africa, Europe, Eurasia, and Asia. varies
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship Academic Year FLAS fellowships will be awarded in MODERN Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hebrew. Summer FLAS fellowships will be awarded in MODERN Arabic, Persian, Turkish, and Hebrew. January 31, 2022
Andrew Mellon Foundation Conference & Research Grants Andrew Mellon Foundation grants cover the cost of travel for conference presentations, modern Middle Eastern language study, dissertation research, or faculty projects. January 31, 2022
Stevens Scholars Project The fund is dedicated to deepening and extending knowledge of the Middle East and North Africa, particularly in the areas of culture, language, politics, and history. The fund will support research and travel by graduate and undergraduate students who demonstrate a high level of distinction in the study of the Middle Eastern and North Africa. January 31, 2022
The Sultan Program in Arab Studies The Sultan Program in Arab Studies supports teaching, research, and public outreach on topics related to the Arab and Arab-Islamic world, with the overarching goal of promoting a deeper understanding of this important region at UC Berkeley and beyond. January 31, 2022
The Al-Falah Program in Islamic Studies The Al-Falah Program in Islamic Studies support research, teaching, and outreach projects that focus on building academic and cultural bridges between the United States and the Middle East and broader Islamic world. January 31, 2022
The Afaf Kanafani Prize The Afaf Kanafani Prize is a $500 award given for the best paper by a UC Berkeley student dealing with any topic related to the subject of women in the Arab world, with priority given to those dealing with MENA women’s struggles for rights and freedoms in the Arab world. May 18, 2022
ARIT Summer Fellowships for Intensive Advanced Turkish Language at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul For summer 2022, the American Research Institute in Turkey will offer fellowships for advanced participants in the summer program in intensive advanced Turkish language at Boğaziçi University* in Istanbul. early March 2022
The Turkish Flagship Language Initiative (TURFLI) The Turkish Flagship Language Initiative (TURFLI) is a special initiative of the Boren Awards for International Study offering awardees the opportunity for intensive language study of Turkish and for cultural immersion by participating in domestic and overseas language programs. Participants in TURFLI may start with no language proficiency through advanced proficiency in Turkish. The TURFLI program is administered through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. January 26, 2022

North America

The Smith Richardson Foundation Grant The Smith Richardson Foundation is pleased to announce a new annual grant competition to support Ph.D. dissertation research on American foreign policy, international relations, international security, strategic studies, area studies, and diplomatic and military history. October 8, 2021
National Institute of Justice’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program The National Institute of Justice seeks to increase the pool of scholars engaged in research that addresses the challenges of crime and justice in the United States, particularly at state and local levels. Various Deadlines
Edward E. Hildebrand Research Fellowship The fellowship competition is open to graduate students of any citizenship enrolled at Berkeley whose research focuses primarily or comparatively on Canada. The applicant should demonstrate the potential for excellent scholarship and describe a project which will contribute to knowledge about Canada and/or the Canadian-U.S. relationship. Funds are intended for direct travel and research costs. For Summer research, March 15, 2021
For Fall-Spring academic year funding, May 7, 2021
John A. Sproul Research Fellowship The John A. Sproul Fellowship provides modest support for a scholar with interests in Canada who wishes to spend a period of time at Berkeley. One or more Fellows will be selected, with an award up to a maximum of $4,000 U.S. (amount depending on length of stay). In accordance with UC Berkeley VSPA (Visiting Scholar and PostDoc Affairs) guidelines, Sproul Fellows must possess a Ph.D. or its equivalent. May 13, 2022
Matsui Center Washington Fellowship The Matsui Center Washington Fellowship provides financial support and other assistance for Cal students participating in the UC Berkeley Washington Program (UCDC). The fellowship carries a $1,000 stipend to help defray the costs of spending a semester in Washington. The fellowship program is open only to students already admitted to UCDC. February 24, 2022
R. Kirk Underhill Graduate Fellowship The R. Kirk Underhill Graduate Fellowship provides $30,000 to a UC Berkeley graduate student whose research focuses on Anglo-American affairs, including but not limited to issues involving foreign relations, politics, history, law, economics, and culture. March 15, 2022
John Gardner Fellowship The John Gardner Public Service Fellowship Program selects three Fellows from the graduating class of UC Berkeley and provides each a $35,000 stipend to work in the governmental or nonprofit organization that most closely fits their public sector interests. February 10, 2022
The John Tracy Ellis
Dissertation Award
The Ellis Dissertation Award is awarded to a doctoral student in the field of Catholic Studies with a promising, but not-yet-completed dissertation. May 9, 2022

Science and Technology

Art Rosenfeld Award for Energy Efficiency The Art Rosenfeld Award for Energy Efficiency is a $10,000 fellowship awarded to one graduate student in a Ph.D., Masters, J.D. or professional program who is committed to research on energy efficiency March 13, 2022
Bay Area Water Quality Fellowship The fellowship is open to graduate students whose studies are related specifically to water quality issues that affect the San Francisco Bay. April 1, 2022
Fannie and John Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowships Open to U.S. citizens in the applied and physical sciences who have a record of high scholastic performance. Provides a stipend, tuition, and fees.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Awarded for study in mathematical, physical, biological, and social sciences; engineering; science education; and in the history and philosophy of science.
DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program The SCGSR program supports supplemental awards to outstanding U.S. graduate students to conduct part of their graduate thesis research at a DOE national laboratory in collaboration with a DOE laboratory scientist for a period of 3 to 12 consecutive months—with the goal of preparing graduate students for scientific and technical careers critically important to the DOE Office of Science mission. May 5, 2021
National Physical Science Consortium Fellowship The NPSC offers Ph.D.-track fellowships in the physical sciences and related engineering fields. December 20
Winston Churchill Foundation Scholarships Science, math, and engineering scholarships for U.S. citizens for one year of graduate work at Cambridge University. TBA

South Asia

Chowdhury Fellowships Any student whose program of training and research significantly involves the study of contemporary Bangladesh, or historical work in the regions of India and Pakistan that would later become Bangladesh, is eligible, as is any student who does comparative or transnational work in which Bangladesh and its region form a central component. April 1, 2022
Luce Scholars Program Provides an intensive experience in Asia for young Americans who show evidence of potential leadership and accomplishment. Applicants should have a strong, mature, and clearly defined interest in a field other than Asian affairs. September or early- to mid-October
Guru Gobind Singh Fellowship This fellowship is intended for graduates of universities in specific areas of India and Pakistan (see qualifying map) who are currently pursuing a graduate degree at the University of California. Spring 2021, TBD
Rapid Response Research Grant These grants are available to graduate students from all disciplines, who are conducting research on or related to contemporary India, defined as the post-Independence era, with the understanding that such projects may include elements from earlier periods. February 15, 2021
The Center on Contemporary India Dissertation Research Grant The Center on Contemporary India at Berkeley is pleased to announce its first round of Dissertation Research Grants. These grants are intended to support doctoral candidates from all disciplines conducting research on or related to contemporary India, defined as the post-Independence era, with the understanding that such projects may include elements from earlier periods. April 1, 2021
Berreman-Yamanaka Fellowship for Himalayan Studies The Berreman-Yamanaka Fellowship for Himalayan Studies' provides for an annual award of up to $1500 to UC Berkeley graduate students for research on topics related to Himalayan Studies across Bhutan, India, Nepal and Pakistan. April 15, 2022
Bhattacharya Graduate Conference Travel Fellowship The Bhattacharya Graduate Fellowship will award UC Berkeley graduate students competitive grants for topics related to contemporary India of up to

1) $1000 for research travel to India (a total of two will be awarded) and
2) $500 for domestic conference travel for presentations (a total of four will be awarded).
April 15, 2022
Hart Fellowship for Tamil Studies The Hart Fellowship for Tamil Studies, established with a generous contribution from Professor George Hart and Professor Kausalya Hart, supports graduate students pursuing research projects focusing on Tamil studies. The fund provides for grants of up to $2000 for research travel to South Asia (one will be awarded) and $500 for domestic conference travel (one will be awarded). April 15, 2022
The Khashu Research Award for Tagore Studies The Bhushan & Santosh Khashu Research Award, established with a generous contribution from Dr. Bhushan Khashu and & his wife, Dr. Santosh Khashu, both prominent physicians and philanthropists from New York, supports graduate students pursuing research projects focusing on the life and legacy of Rabindranath Tagore. The award provides for one grant of $5000 for research travel to South Asia. April 15, 2022
Maharaj Kaul Memorial Grant UC Berkeley graduate students are invited to apply for competitive grants of up to $1000 for research travel to South Asia (a total of two will be awarded), and up to $500 for conference travel (a total of two will be awarded) made available through a gift from the Maharaj Kaul Memorial Fund to the Institute for South Asia Studies. April 15, 2022
Outstanding Paper Prize in Bangladesh Studies The Subir and Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies welcomes submissions for the Outstanding Paper Prize in Bangladesh Studies. April 1, 2022
Premchand Research Scholarship in Hindi Studies The award provides for a $2000 grant to an under-graduate or graduate student undertaking research on Hindi literature in India. April 15, 2022
Bodha Pravaham Fellowship for Tamil Studies The Bodha Pravaham Undergraduate Fellowship for Tamil Studies, established with a generous contribution from Professor George Hart and Professor Kausalya Hart, both cornerstones of Tamil Studies at UC Berkeley, supports undergraduate students pursuing research projects focusing on Tamil studies. April 15, 2022
Telugu Society of America (TELSA) Summer Studies Research Award The Telugu Society of America (TELSA) Summer Studies Research Award is an annual award established with a generous contribution from the Telugu Society of America (TELSA) dedicated to the promotion of development of Telugu people, their culture and material conditions. April 15, 2022

Southeast Asia

Southeast Asian Studies Summer Institute SEASSI is an eight-week intensive language training program for undergraduates, graduate students and professionals. It has been held since 1983 and hosted by UW-Madison in 1994-1995 and then since 2000. Instruction is offered for academic credit in eight languages at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year levels. April 1, 2022
The Indonesian Flagship Language Initiative (IFLI) The Indonesian Flagship Language Initiative (IFLI) is a special initiative of the Boren Awards for International Study offering awardees the opportunity for intensive language study of Indonesian and for cultural immersion by participating in domestic and overseas language programs. Participants in IFLI may start with no language proficiency through advanced proficiency in Indonesian. The IFLI program is administered through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. January 26, 2022
The South Asian Flagship Languages Initiative (SAFLI) The South Asian Flagship Languages Initiative (SAFLI) is a special initiative of the Boren Awards for International Study offering awardees the opportunity for intensive language study of Hindi and Urdu and for cultural immersion by participating in domestic and overseas language programs. Participants in SAFLI may start with no language proficiency through advanced proficiency in Hindi and/or Urdu. The SAFLI program is administered through the University of Wisconsin-Madison. January 26, 2022
Luce Scholars Program Provides an intensive experience in Asia for young Americans who show evidence of potential leadership and accomplishment. Applicants should have a strong, mature, and clearly defined interest in a field other than Asian affairs. September or early- to mid-October
CSEAS Travel Grants CSEAS administers a travel grant program for UC Berkeley graduate and undergraduate students with deadlines in November and April. Grants are awarded on a competitive basis to support recipients to undertake short-term research or to travel to conferences to present scholarly papers. the CSEAS Travel Grants program is suspended until COVID19-related travel restrictions are lifted
Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) Fellowship The Institute of East Asian Studies (IEAS) fellowship competition is open to UC Berkeley continuing graduate students in East Asian and Southeast Asian Studies. Successful applicants should propose a coherent plan of research/study that will result in tangible progress towards their graduate degree. April 1, 2022
Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Academic Year FLAS awards are for graduate students and undergraduate students who plan to study a Southeast Asian language, offered through the Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies. For graduate students, the Academic Year FLAS Fellowship covers registration fees up to $18,000 and provides a stipend of $15,000. January 31, 2022
Blakemore Freeman Fellowships Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are awarded for one academic year of full-time, intensive language study of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Khmer or Burmese at the advanced level in approved language programs in East or Southeast Asia. Applicants must be American citizens or permanent residents of the United States. December 30, 2021
Slavic, East Europe, Eurasia 
The Peter N. Kujachich Endowment in Serbian and Montenegrin Studies The Peter N. Kujachich Endowment in Serbian and Montenegrin Studies offers awards up to approximately $5,000 to faculty and/or graduate student projects that focus on the experience of the Serbian and Montenegrin peoples. applications accepted on a rolling basis
Hertelendy Endowment in Hungarian Studies The Hertelendy Endowment in Hungarian Studies provides partial support (tuition, stipend, and/or travel and research-related expenses) to UC Berkeley graduate students working in Hungarian studies. applications accepted on a rolling basis
Advanced Russian Language and Area Studies Program (RLASP) RLASP serves both graduate and undergraduate students as well as working professionals. The academic year, semester, and summer programs provide approximately 20 hours per week of in-class instruction in Russian grammar, phonetics, conversation, and cultural studies in Russia or Kazakhstan. February 15


The Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships For 12 months of full-time dissertation research and writing on ethical or religious values. November 15, 2021
Mabelle McLeod Lewis Fellowships Provides grants to advanced doctoral candidates in the humanities for completion of a scholarly dissertation project on which significant progress has already been made. February 5, 2020
Townsend Dissertation Fellowships Awarded to graduate students writing Ph.D. dissertations whose research projects significantly involve humanistic material or problems that have a significant bearing on the humanities. November 12, 2021
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship The Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowships are to be awarded only to candidates who have outstanding undergraduate records, have demonstrated a need for financial assistance, are citizens of the United States of America, are enrolled in accredited colleges and universities in the United States and have received baccalaureate degrees. January 4, 2022
Foreign Language and Area Studies Awards Fellowships are awarded to students in modern foreign language and area studies, with priority given to students in the humanities, social sciences, and professional fields. January 31, 2022
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships The American Council for of Learned Societies (ACLS) invites applications for the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships, which support a year of research and writing to help advanced graduate students in the humanities and related social sciences in the last year of Ph.D. dissertation writing. October 27, 2021
Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowships For U.S. citizens and permanent residents conducting overseas dissertation research in modern foreign language and area studies. April 5, 2021
Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Art of Teaching Writing Fellowship The Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. Graduate Student Fellowship in the Art of Teaching Writing is a grant designed to provide graduate students teaching Reading and Composition courses in Fall 2021 the opportunity to improve existing and develop new pedagogical skills and practices. March 21, 2021


Jim Fahey Safe Homes for Women Fellowship The Jim Fahey Safe Homes Fund for Women endowmentwas established in 2007 to provide scholarships for graduate students at UC Berkeley with demonstrated financial need and a strong aptitude in relevant subjects as well as a deep commitment to combating domestic violence against women. March 1, 2021
American Association of University Women (AAUW) Fellowships Dissertation and career development grants for women in graduate programs who have achieved distinction or show the promise of distinction in their fields. Multiple Deadlines
Soroptomist International Founder Region Women’s Fellowships Open to outstanding graduate women, preferably in the last year of study, who are working toward the doctoral degree January 15, 2020


Philip Brett LGBT Studies Fellowship Applicants must provide brief summaries of their overall research interests and aims; questions they are pursuing or plan to pursue that are related to LGBT issues; and contributions they hope to make to LGBT-related studies. March 15, 2022

Special Circumstances

Graduate Division Student Parent Grant To be eligible for Parent Grant funding, a student must live with at least one dependent child who is under the age of 18 at the start of the term. July 15, 2020
Graduate Division Caregiver Grant The Caregiver Grant is designed to provide assistance to graduate students who are the primary live-in caregiver for an adult individual. July 15, 2020
The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans A two-year grant for graduate students: applicants must be New Americans (resident alien, naturalized as a U.S. citizen, or the child of two parents who are both naturalized citizens, have been granted DACA status); have a bachelor’s degree, be in their final year of undergraduate study, or enrolled in the first or second year of a graduate program; and may not be older than 31 years of age. October 28, 2021
Any Discipline
Mildred E. Mathias Graduate Student Research Grants Research grants are available to graduate students enrolled at any University of California campus other than San Francisco who are using one or more of the 37 sites in the UC Natural Reserve System. October 1, 2021
Mentored Research Award Gives academically promising graduate students in academic Ph.D. programs an opportunity to conduct pre-doctoral research while developing and strengthening relationships with faculty advisers. March 1, 2021
Office for Graduate Diversity — Diversity & Community Fellows Program Critical components of this work will include but are not limited to, supporting an inclusive graduate community and enhancing the cultural, academic, and professional experience of historically underrepresented students (e.g., students of color, low income and first generation college students, and LGBTQ+ students, undocumented students, etc.) April 30, 2021
University of California Dissertation-Year Fellowship Open to graduate students in academic Ph.D. programs who demonstrate strong potential for university teaching and research, and who are in their final year of dissertation work. March 1, 2021
Sydney Ehrman Fellowship Open to candidates in any field of study who wish to study at King’s College in Cambridge and have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from UC Berkeley or have a bachelor’s degree from Yale University (the degree must be completed before the beginning of the fall semester). April 16, 2021